GREEN VAULT HEIST: Biggest Gems Raid In History Came From School Trip

Image shows the shelves where the jewels were stolen, undated photo. The defendants confessed over the 113 million (GBP 100 million) jewels stolen three years ago from the Green Vault museum in Dresden, Saxony State, Germany. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash) Image shows the shelves where the jewels were stolen, undated photo. The defendants confessed over the 113 million (GBP 100 million) jewels stolen three years ago from the Green Vault museum in Dresden, Saxony State, Germany. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

18 January 2023
A gang member behind a EUR 113 million jewellery heist in Germany has told a court that he got the idea for the break-in from a school trip. Mohammed Remmo - the youngest of four defendants - said he dreamed up the burglary after a pal visited the Green Vault museum in Dresden with his...