HAD HER FILL: Disaster Lip Op Made Girl Look Like Cartoon Character Snoopy

Picture shows  Oliveira Almeida Pinheiro, 20, during an allergic reaction  in Palmeiras, Brazil, on Sept. 1, 2022. This occurred when correcting lip filler, she was taken to a hospital and her face returned to normal about four days later.      Note: Private photo.  (Newsflash) Picture shows Oliveira Almeida Pinheiro, 20, during an allergic reaction in Palmeiras, Brazil, on Sept. 1, 2022. This occurred when correcting lip filler, she was taken to a hospital and her face returned to normal about four days later. Note: Private photo. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

19 September 2022
A 20-year-old student was left with a massively distorted face after an allergic reaction caused her cheeks and jaw to swell up. Horrified Isis de Oliveira Almeida Pinheiro was left looking like the cartoon dog Snoopy by the freak reaction. The terrifying reaction set in just minutes after...