HEAD CASE: Cranial Injury Study Reveals Huge Violence In Lawless Ancient Middle-Eastern Cities

Photo shows a cranial trauma that bears witness of a violent death. International team of researchers analyzed over 3,500 skulls found in the Middle East, In the 12,000 years before antiquity.
Note: Licensed photo(Joachim Wahl,University of Tubingen/Newsflash). Photo shows a cranial trauma that bears witness of a violent death. International team of researchers analyzed over 3,500 skulls found in the Middle East, In the 12,000 years before antiquity. Note: Licensed photo(Joachim Wahl,University of Tubingen/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Joachim Wahl,University of Tubingen/Newsflash

13 October 2023
A lack of legal frameworks in the disorganised first cities to be built in the Ancient Middle East led to a significant increase in violence between inhabitants, according to researchers who examined thousands of skeletons. An international panel of scientists headed by economic historian...