HIGHER PURCHASE: Bungling School Gets Bill For Mountain Airlift Of 99 Pupils

99 students and eight teachers were rescued on 7th of June 2022  from mountain distress in the Austrian Alps.
Note: Licensed photo(Bergrettung Riezlern/Newsflash). 99 students and eight teachers were rescued on 7th of June 2022 from mountain distress in the Austrian Alps. Note: Licensed photo(Bergrettung Riezlern/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Bergrettung Riezlern/Newsflash

06 July 2022
A school has received a EUR-13,000 bill after 99 terrified pupils had to be airlifted when they were led up a deadly mountain path by hapless teachers. The youngsters were rescued by helicopter in a howling storm after teachers guiding their group took them up a dangerous Alpine pass. Now...