IT AD TO BE ME: I Was Adamant I'd Scoop USD 200,000 Lotto Jackpot, Says Winner

Natalie Carraway, 46, from the city of Wilmington, in North Carolina, USA, undated photo. She collected USD 200,000 (GBP 162,338) on the lottery on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023. Note: Licensed content. (North Carolina Education Lottery/Newsflash) Natalie Carraway, 46, from the city of Wilmington, in North Carolina, USA, undated photo. She collected USD 200,000 (GBP 162,338) on the lottery on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023. Note: Licensed content. (North Carolina Education Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: North Carolina Education Lottery/Newsflash

01 February 2023
A woman who says she was "adamant" she would win a top lottery prize has pocketed USD 200,000. Lucky Natalie Carraway, 46 - from Wilmington, North Carolina State, USA - had told most of her family and friends she was set for a massive in. She told lottery officials: "I kept saying I was...