IS IT CATHERINE ZETA STONE? 3D Model Of 31,000 Year Old Beauty Could Be Her Cather-Twin

The  digital approximation of the face of a Paleolithic woman who lived 31,000 years ago, undated. The  skull found in 1881, inside a cave in Mladec, a village in what is now the Czech Republic, was reconstructed by Brazilian 
 Cicero Moraes, a graphics expert.
Note: Licensed photo.  (Cicero Moraes, Jiri Sindelar, Karel Drbal/Newsflash) The digital approximation of the face of a Paleolithic woman who lived 31,000 years ago, undated. The skull found in 1881, inside a cave in Mladec, a village in what is now the Czech Republic, was reconstructed by Brazilian Cicero Moraes, a graphics expert. Note: Licensed photo. (Cicero Moraes, Jiri Sindelar, Karel Drbal/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Cicero Moraes, Jiri Sindelar, Karel Drbal/Newsflash

07 October 2022
This is the reconstructed face of a Stone Age beauty unseen for 31,000 years ago - and she seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to a famous modern-day screen star. The haughty bearing, penetrating eyes and long, dark hair seems to recall Catherine Zeta Jones in her Darling Buds TV days. The...