LUCK IN MISSFORTUNE: Man Wins USD 250,000 Lottery Prize The Same Day He Loses His Job

Eric Abbott poses with his prize check   in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, undated. He won USD 250 thousand (GBP 196,201) after he was let go from his job of 20 years. Note: Licensed photo. (Arkansas Scholarship Lottery/Newsflash) Eric Abbott poses with his prize check in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, undated. He won USD 250 thousand (GBP 196,201) after he was let go from his job of 20 years. Note: Licensed photo. (Arkansas Scholarship Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Arkansas Scholarship Lottery/Newsflash

21 August 2023
A man who lost his job of 20 years has had true luck in misfortune after he won USD 250,000 on the lottery the same day he was let out from work. Eric Abbott was shocked when he realised his non-winning scratchcard had earned him USD 250,000 (GBP 196,462) in a random second-chance drawing...