LUCKY DAY: Woman Wins USD 300,000 On Way Home From Collecting USD 100,000 Lottery Prize

Image shows the N. Dover Tiger Mart in the city of Dover, Delaware, USA, undated photo. A woman had bought her second winning ticket at the store after collecting the first one on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Note: Photo is a screenshot from Google Maps. (Google Maps/Newsflash) Image shows the N. Dover Tiger Mart in the city of Dover, Delaware, USA, undated photo. A woman had bought her second winning ticket at the store after collecting the first one on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Note: Photo is a screenshot from Google Maps. (Google Maps/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Google Maps/Newsflash

03 November 2022
A woman has won a USD 300,000 lottery prize while on her way home from collecting a USD 100,000 win. The woman, who decided to remain anonymous but who is 70 years old and from the city of Newark in the US state of Delaware, was thrilled with her first win of USD 100,000 (GBP 88,800), which...