LUCKY NUMBERS: Baltimore Man Turns Licence Place Number Into USD 25,000 Lottery Win

Michael Jones poses with a check for his USD 25,000 lottery prize, undated. He used a random tag number for his ticket in Baltimore,  Maryland, USA.   Note: Licensed photo.  (Maryland Lottery/Newsflash) Michael Jones poses with a check for his USD 25,000 lottery prize, undated. He used a random tag number for his ticket in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Note: Licensed photo. (Maryland Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Maryland Lottery/Newsflash

14 October 2022
A man in Baltimore has turned a licence plate number into a USD-25,000 lottery win. Michael Jones posed for lottery officials while holding his USD 25,000 (GBP 22.300) giant check. Jones, an electrician by trade, used a random licence plate number he had memorised and won the Pick 5 lottery...