LUCKY NUMBERS: USD 100,000 Lotto Winner Won't Celebrate Until He Scoops Bigger Jackpot

Image shows 60-year-old Michael Raab's lottery ticked, undated photo. He won USD 100,000 (GBP 84,000) in the city of Lapeer, in the state of Michigan, USA in October 2022. Note: Licensed content. (Michigan Lottery/Newsflash) Image shows 60-year-old Michael Raab's lottery ticked, undated photo. He won USD 100,000 (GBP 84,000) in the city of Lapeer, in the state of Michigan, USA in October 2022. Note: Licensed content. (Michigan Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Michigan Lottery/Newsflash

15 November 2022
A man who won USD 100,000 playing the lottery told officials that he won't celebrate in case he jinxes his chances of winning "the big one". The lucky punter scooped the six-figure prize in the Michigan State Lottery but insists he is holding out for a bigger jackpot. Newsflash obtained a...