MAMA KNOWS BEST: Late Mother's Numbers Lead Lucky Bloke To USD 50,000 Lottery Prize

Photo shows Andre Jones of Baltimore, undated. The man combined his late mother’s favorite numbers and won   $50,000 Pick 5 prize.
Note: Licensed photo(Maryland Lottery/Newsflash). Photo shows Andre Jones of Baltimore, undated. The man combined his late mother’s favorite numbers and won $50,000 Pick 5 prize. Note: Licensed photo(Maryland Lottery/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Maryland Lottery/Newsflash

15 December 2023
A lucky punter in the USA has scooped a great lottery win after adding his late mother's favourite numbers to his ticket. Andre Jones from the city of Baltimore, in the US state of Maryland, said the USD 50,000 (GBP 39,189) prize followed after he included his mum's favourite digits in the...