Monkey Business Capuchin's Pen-Credible Cheek

Monkey 'signs' documents in an office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, undated. The monkey was taken to the Wild Animal Triage Center of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash/NX) Monkey 'signs' documents in an office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, undated. The monkey was taken to the Wild Animal Triage Center of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash/NX)
Copyrights: Newsflash/NX

04 March 2025
+ + + NEWSFLASH + + + ( For newsdesk queries : Call or WhatsApp on +44 751 927 1676 or mail on This is pen-credible moment a cheeky monkey gets down to business as it apparently signs documents after gatecrashing a golf club. The wild capuchin was...