MOVING LIGHTS: Earliest Record Of Aurora Borealis Found In 10th BC Annals That Showed Back Then It Was Visible In Central China

One of the variant fragments of the Bamboo Annals, an excerpt from the Ancient Text
of the Bamboo Annals.  Note: Image from Nagoya University. (National Diet Library of Japan/AsiaWire) One of the variant fragments of the Bamboo Annals, an excerpt from the Ancient Text of the Bamboo Annals. Note: Image from Nagoya University. (National Diet Library of Japan/AsiaWire)
Copyrights: National Diet Library of Japan/AsiaWire

21 April 2022
The oldest recorded mention of the aurora borealis has been found in ancient Chinese text referring to the phenomenon that dates back to the 10th century BC when it was even visible in central China. The discovery is significant as in modern times the Aurora Borealis is usually only seen in...