MULTI-TUSKING: Ancient Americans Hunted And Butchered Prehistoric Elephants 13,000 Years Ago

Picture shows the excavation process of the Taguatagua 3 deposit,  in  Taguatagua, Chile, undated. 

More than a hundred fossil remains of gomphotheres have been found and the lithic tools used  to hunt them have been recovered at the site since 2019.  
Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (IPHES/Newsflash) Picture shows the excavation process of the Taguatagua 3 deposit, in Taguatagua, Chile, undated. More than a hundred fossil remains of gomphotheres have been found and the lithic tools used to hunt them have been recovered at the site since 2019. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (IPHES/Newsflash)
Copyrights: IPHES/Newsflash

29 November 2022
A startling discovery of a Stone Age slaughterhouse has revealed that ancient Americans were hunting and butchering prehistoric ancestors of elephants in Chile nearly 13,000 years ago. Scientists have unearthed the fossilised remains of an elephant-like species, called 'gomphotheres'. The creatures...