NEVER HERD THE HORN: Driver s Terror As He Crashes Into Cows

A driver going 139 kilometres per hour on   highway in Malaysia, hit a herd of cows that were on the road, on 20th April. Note: Photo is a screenshot from the video (@bernardpang) A driver going 139 kilometres per hour on highway in Malaysia, hit a herd of cows that were on the road, on 20th April. Note: Photo is a screenshot from the video (@bernardpang)
Copyrights: @bernardpang

25 April 2022
A fast-moving motorist screamed in terror as he slammed into a herd of cows in the middle of a dual carriageway. The driver can be heard shouting 'Allahu Akbar' - or God is great - as he hits the helpless beasts on the road in Malaysia. The incident was filmed while the motorist was...