NEW HOPE: Tot's Family Crowdfunds GBP 1.7 Million To Treat Girl With World's Most Expensive Drug

Ruqayyah is a year and 11 months old Egyptian girl suffering from spinal muscular atrophy type two. Note: Picture is private (Newsflash) Ruqayyah is a year and 11 months old Egyptian girl suffering from spinal muscular atrophy type two. Note: Picture is private (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

29 June 2022
The parents of a girl with a rare genetic disorder have raised GBP 1.7 million through crowdfunding to buy her the world's most expensive drug. Dad Mohammed Suleiman and his wife launched the campaign to obtain the prescription drug Zolgensma for their daughter Ruqayyah. The 23-month-old...