PRICE HIKE: School Could Be On Hook For GBP 15,500 Mountain Rescue Bill After 99 Students Airlifted From Risky Hike

99 students and eight teachers were rescued on 7th of June 2022  from mountain distress in the Austrian Alps.
Note: Licensed photo(Bergrettung Riezlern/Newsflash). 99 students and eight teachers were rescued on 7th of June 2022 from mountain distress in the Austrian Alps. Note: Licensed photo(Bergrettung Riezlern/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Bergrettung Riezlern/Newsflash

21 June 2022
A school could be on the hook for a GBP 15,500 bill after 99 terrified schoolchildren had to be airlifted from a dangerous mountain hiking trail when their teachers allegedly bungled the route. Martin Burger, the manager of the Vorarlberg mountain rescue service, has told Austrian media...