PROTECTING HERITAGE: Boffins Detail How Silicate Nanoparticles Can Save Weathered Historic Buildings

Restauration works at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.
Note: Licensed photo(Archiv der Dombauhutte St. Stephan/Newsflash). Restauration works at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. Note: Licensed photo(Archiv der Dombauhutte St. Stephan/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Archiv der Dombauhutte St. Stephan/Newsflash

15 July 2022
Boffins in Austria and Norway have discovered how silicate nanoparticles can save historic buildings made of porous rock from deteriorating in adverse weather. Experts from Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and the University of Oslo have detailed how special silicate nanoparticles...