RADIO SILENCE: Ukrainian Journalist Found Dead Among Rubble Of Bombed Kyiv Building

A journalist and producer of Radio Svoboda Vira Hyrych died in Kyiv as a result of the Russian shelling in Kyiv in Ukraine on the 28th of April 2022.
Note: Private photo.
(@vira.hyrych/Newsflash) A journalist and producer of Radio Svoboda Vira Hyrych died in Kyiv as a result of the Russian shelling in Kyiv in Ukraine on the 28th of April 2022. Note: Private photo. (@vira.hyrych/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @vira.hyrych/Newsflash

29 April 2022
Ukrainian journalist and Radio Liberty producer Vera Girich has been found dead among the rubble of her bombed apartment building in Kyiv. Girich, a former employee of the Israeli embassy in Ukraine, was reportedly killed when a Russian missile hit her home in the country’s capital during a...