ROLLOVER-ING IN IT: Lotto Fan Invested Small Win To Hit USD 4 Milllion Jackpot

Image shows the winning lottery ticket, undated photo. A 54-year-old man from the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan State, USA, won USD 4 million (GBP 3.2 million) on the lottery in September 2023. Note: Licensed content. (Michigan Lottery/Newsflash) Image shows the winning lottery ticket, undated photo. A 54-year-old man from the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan State, USA, won USD 4 million (GBP 3.2 million) on the lottery in September 2023. Note: Licensed content. (Michigan Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Michigan Lottery/Newsflash

21 September 2023
A Lotto fan has scooped a USD 4 million jackpot after rolling over money from an earlier prize to buy a mega-winning scratchcard. The 54-year-old player from Grand Rapids, Michigan State, USA, was so stunned at the win he thought he was being pranked with a fake ticket. But he was...