Shocking Footage Shows Ghetto-Like Filtration Camp In Besieged Mariupol

Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, published a video from the filtration camp for Mariupol residents in the village of Bezymyanny, in May, 2022. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (@andriyshTime/Newsflash) Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, published a video from the filtration camp for Mariupol residents in the village of Bezymyanny, in May, 2022. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (@andriyshTime/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @andriyshTime/Newsflash

05 May 2022
This footage shows the terrible conditions in a so-called 'filtration camp' in besieged Mariupol, which a local official has likened to a "ghetto". Petr Andryushchenko - who is an advisor to the mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boychenko - said: "A real ghetto! The men were placed in the premises...