SLIPPED DISC JOCKEY: DJ Dies In Hospital After Falling Gear Crushed Spine At Gig

Photo shows Dj Osnir Silvino dos Santos Mafra, known as DJ Oz Mafra, undated photo. He died at a hospital on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022, after being hit by the structure of the stage of a nightclub located in Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022. Note: Picture is private (@ozmafra/Newsflash) Photo shows Dj Osnir Silvino dos Santos Mafra, known as DJ Oz Mafra, undated photo. He died at a hospital on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022, after being hit by the structure of the stage of a nightclub located in Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022. Note: Picture is private (@ozmafra/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @ozmafra/Newsflash

11 November 2022
A hit DJ has died in hospital after a gust of wind toppled a piece of stage equipment onto him, crushing his spine, as he was setting up for a gig. Osnir Silvino dos Santos Mafra - better known as Oz Mafra in his native Brazil - was declared dead in Santa Casa de Santos, Sao Paulo State, in...