SOME-FIN FISHY: Customs Dog Sniffs Out Hundreds Of Endangered Seahorses

Customs dog found 844 dried seahorses weighing a total of around five kilograms at Leipzig-Halle Airport in June 2022.
Note: Licensed photo(Hauptzollamt Dresden/Newsflash). Customs dog found 844 dried seahorses weighing a total of around five kilograms at Leipzig-Halle Airport in June 2022. Note: Licensed photo(Hauptzollamt Dresden/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Hauptzollamt Dresden/Newsflash

22 June 2022
Customs officers found nearly 1,000 endangered seahorses being smuggled through an airport to be used as 'natural viagra' by bogus healers. The dried seahorses had been stashed in a freight package going through Germany's Dresden and Leipzig Airport when they were found by a sniffer dog...