SQUID GAMES: Austrian Scientists Find Worlds First Proof Of Fossilised Squid Cartilage Using Home Office To Work In

Loligo vulgaris (pictured), one of the 10,000 unique fossils from the Alpine Triassic period that were examined from a team of researchers from the Natural History Museum Vienna and the University of Vienna.
Note: Press release photo(NHM Vienna, Alexander Lukeneder/Newsflash). Loligo vulgaris (pictured), one of the 10,000 unique fossils from the Alpine Triassic period that were examined from a team of researchers from the Natural History Museum Vienna and the University of Vienna. Note: Press release photo(NHM Vienna, Alexander Lukeneder/Newsflash).
Copyrights: NHM Vienna, Alexander Lukeneder/Newsflash

21 April 2022
A team of experts and science enthusiasts led by a married couple of palaeontologists who managed to keep working by turning their home into a science lab have discovered the world's first evidence of fossilised squid cartilage from a site in provincial Austria. Researchers at Vienna’s...