UKRAINE (Luhansk): Russian Ka-52 'Alligator' Helicopter Strikes Down Ukrainian Targets

Ka-52 'Alligator' Helicopter Engages Enemy Forces on Svatovo-Kremen Front in Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine on 18 January. Note: Picture is a screenshot from the video. (MOD Russia/Clipzilla) Ka-52 'Alligator' Helicopter Engages Enemy Forces on Svatovo-Kremen Front in Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine on 18 January. Note: Picture is a screenshot from the video. (MOD Russia/Clipzilla)
Copyrights: MOD Russia/Clipzilla

18 January 2024
Russian forces have taken down Ukrainian armoured vehicles and soldiers in a swift helicopter operation. Using several helicopters, among which a high-performance combat Ka-52 aircraft and another Mi-8 rescue helicopter, the Russian team performed the attack near the city of Luhansk, in Ukraine's...