WAR IN UKRAINE: Homemade Missile Destroys Sitting-Duck Russian Armoured Vehicle

Ukraine Armed Forses destroyed in the battle 3 Russian BTR and live power of up to 20 people. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (The First Special Brigade of Special Purposes named after Ivan Bohun/Newsflash) Ukraine Armed Forses destroyed in the battle 3 Russian BTR and live power of up to 20 people. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (The First Special Brigade of Special Purposes named after Ivan Bohun/Newsflash)
Copyrights: The First Special Brigade of Special Purposes named after Ivan Bohun/Newsflash

03 June 2022
This video purports to show a Ukrainian missile man scoring a direct hit on a sitting-duck Russian armoured personnel carrier after it tried but failed to blend into a field. Newsflash obtained the footage from the 1st Separate Special Purpose Brigade of Ukrainian Armed Forces named after Ivan Bohun...