WAR IN UKRAINE: Russian Soldier Drives Straight Over Row Of Mines And Survives Massive Explosion

Russian military vehicle MT-LB drives straight towards a row of anti-tank mines planted along the road in Ukraine in undated footage.
The MT-LB is a Soviet multi-purpose, fully amphibious, tracked armored fighting vehicle in use since the 1950s.
Note: This picture is a screenshot from the video.
(@AFUStratCom/Newsflash) Russian military vehicle MT-LB drives straight towards a row of anti-tank mines planted along the road in Ukraine in undated footage. The MT-LB is a Soviet multi-purpose, fully amphibious, tracked armored fighting vehicle in use since the 1950s. Note: This picture is a screenshot from the video. (@AFUStratCom/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @AFUStratCom/Newsflash

13 October 2022
These images show a Russian soldier driving straight over a row of mines and he appears to survive after they explode and destroy his vehicle. The footage shows what appears to be a Russian armoured personnel carrier advancing towards two rows of mines. As soon as it rolls over the first row, the...