THE WEE SEE P.C: Kinky Top Cop Facing Sex Charges

Image shows police chief Andreas Renner (middle), aged 49, undated photo. He will undergo trial for sending naked pictures to colleagues in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Note: Licensed content. (Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Wuerttemberg/Newsflash) Image shows police chief Andreas Renner (middle), aged 49, undated photo. He will undergo trial for sending naked pictures to colleagues in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Note: Licensed content. (Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Wuerttemberg/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Wuerttemberg/Newsflash

17 April 2023
A kinky top cop is facing sex charges after it emerged that he put his manhood in the hand of a female officer and told her to hold it while he urinated. The high-ranking German officer - who is already suspended on an earlier sex charge - had earlier told the WPC that watching women pee...