WHEEL GOOD HEARTED: Teen Cycles From Paris To Athens To Help Young Heart Patients

Picture of, Martin, 19, who rode a bike from Paris to Athens for charity, while he explains his motives and answers Macedonian influencer Roberto Navali's questions, in Strumica, Macedonia on the 27th of June, 2022. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (@roberto_navali/Newsflash) Picture of, Martin, 19, who rode a bike from Paris to Athens for charity, while he explains his motives and answers Macedonian influencer Roberto Navali's questions, in Strumica, Macedonia on the 27th of June, 2022. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (@roberto_navali/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @roberto_navali/Newsflash

13 July 2022
A teenage cyclist has told how he is cycling 1,800 miles from Paris to Athens to raise money to help children with heart conditions. Martin Peglion, 19, is a volunteer for the charitable organisation ‘Mecenat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde’ (‘Children of the World Cardiac Surgery Society’)...