Wisconsin School Official Forced High School Girls To Undress In Bathroom To Strip Search Them For Vaping Devices

Suring Public Schools Superintendent Kelly Casper, 51,  who has been charged with six counts of false imprisonment for reportedly holding six girls in a high school bathroom on 18th January 2022 in Wisconsin, USA. Note: This photo is from Suring Public Schools' site. (Suring Public Schools/Newsflash) Suring Public Schools Superintendent Kelly Casper, 51, who has been charged with six counts of false imprisonment for reportedly holding six girls in a high school bathroom on 18th January 2022 in Wisconsin, USA. Note: This photo is from Suring Public Schools' site. (Suring Public Schools/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Suring Public Schools/Newsflash

04 March 2022
A Wisconsin school official who allegedly forced young girls to undress in a bathroom before strip-searching them because she was looking for vaping devices now faces a lengthy prison sentence and tens of thousands of dollars in fines. The defendant has been named as Kelly Casper, 51, who...