WORTH THE WEIGHT: Creative Plumber Works Out With DIY Equipment Made From Cement And Sticks

Azeez Yusuf Oriyomi, from Nigeria, deadlifts with homemade equipment in undated footage. Azeez crafted his equipment himself using cement, sand, and other materials. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (@theoutworker11 Azeez Yusuf Oriyomi/Newsflash) Azeez Yusuf Oriyomi, from Nigeria, deadlifts with homemade equipment in undated footage. Azeez crafted his equipment himself using cement, sand, and other materials. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (@theoutworker11 Azeez Yusuf Oriyomi/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @theoutworker11 Azeez Yusuf Oriyomi/Newsflash

07 December 2022
This footage shows a professional plumber deadlifting with his own workout equipment that he made out of sticks and cement. Azeez Yusuf Oriyomi, 21, who comes from Nigeria, told Newsflash in an interview that he has an at-home gym, which he created two or three months ago. Azeez said: “I started...