A violent husband who stabbed his wife to death in front of their five children because she...
A violent husband who stabbed his wife to death in front of their five children because she...
A helicopter pilot was forced into an emergency landing after a dive bombing seagull...
A cafe boss who kidnapped and tortured a beautiful waitress that his fiance was jealous of...
Europe's richest millennial and Red Bull tycoon Mark Mateschitz is to give all staff in the...
This is the amazing moment a home-alone four-year-old girl plunges from a third-storey...
A five-year-old boy who died after plummeting 40 feet to the ground when he fell from the...
A beautiful influencer has boasted how her six-month-old daughter is earning a small...
A famous Italian singer and his wife have been arrested in a police bust of a mafia clan.
A female engineer died with three co-workers when they were buried under tonnes of rubble...
A backpacker falsely accused of killing his girlfriend and dumping her naked corpse 18...
A woman accused of hiring hitmen to execute a lawyer because she wanted to steal her...
AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes has been slammed after posting a photo of himself bare-chested...