Lee Bullen

T4 Hub Published Stories

08 July 2022


A pair of newlyweds died in a car crash as they drove in from their honeymoon at an...

08 July 2022


A four-year-old girl was zapped to death in a freak accident when an overhead power cable...

08 July 2022

This is the moment firefighters battle intense flames after a house was struck by lightning during a...

08 July 2022


Firefighters staged a dramatic rescue when a half-ton horse got himself wedged in a water...

08 July 2022

Police who gunned down a pet dog after it growled at them in a search have denied brutality to...

08 July 2022


A porn star has told how she uses her menstrual blood on her face as part of her beauty...

08 July 2022

The owner of a sickening wildlife refuge where emaciated lions are so hungry they chew their own...

08 July 2022

This is the moment first responders rescue a woman who veered off the road and landed in a canal...

07 July 2022

This is the moment a navy air rescue team winches a fisherman to safety after he suffered a stroke...

05 July 2022


This is the moment a drink driver without a licence loses control of his BMW and smashes...

05 July 2022

This is the adorable moment two elephant calves try out their tusker skills to confront a tourist...

05 July 2022

Brazilian postal workers have confused this cute dog toy for a sex aide after it arrived at the post...